Integrating 4 pillars of wellbeing into 1 platform

Wellbeing On the Web – WoW

HappiZest, a division of Happiest Health offers a flagship service, aiming to bring to life the most relevant parts of life – emotional, physical, social and financial – together on the same platform for employees.

Put together by some of the leading experts in the four spaces, Wellbeing On the Web (WoW) makes it possible for organizations to create safer and more rewarding work environments for their human resources.

All employee wellbeing services are in 1 place

Go-to wellness ranging from telemedicine to self-help resources. On-demand, user-friendly platform backed by customer support.

Employee wellbeing is more than just mental or physical health

Clients who vouch for


A healthy workplace

is a step in the right direction

Make it happen today